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Important information

For a stay longer than 90 days: Send an email:

Carnet de passage (international customs document)

Do you travel with your own car or motor cycle to and/or in this country?
Check if you need a carnet de passage.

Holidays where the consulate/embassy is closed

28/10/2024 ochi-dag
25/12/2024 kerstdag
26/12/2024 tweede kerstdag
01/01/2025 new year
06/01/2025 driekoningen (de openbaring)
25/03/2025 dag van de onafhankelijkheid
01/05/2025 labor day holiday
15/08/2025 onze lieve vrouw hemelvaart

Don't forget

° Valid Belgian ID card
° Airline tickets (if applicable)
° Proof of financial means (cash, creditcards,..)° Proof of residency (if applicable)
° Proof of medical travel insurance