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Documents needed to apply for your visa :

Important information

For a stay in Cape Verde of maximum 30 days :
No visa beforehand required.

For a stay longer than 30 days in Cape Verde:
visa required

Visa costs

This is the cost charged by the Embassy or the Consulate. Can be different for different visa types and instances.

Transit visa



Apply for pre-registration via the link below

Carnet de passage (international customs document)

Do you travel with your own car or motor cycle to and/or in this country?
Check if you need a carnet de passage.

Visa upon arrival

Yes, but at your own risk.

Only possible to apply for a single entry visa

Check with the airline if they allow you to fly without a visa and apply for a visa for Cap-Verde upon arrival.

Holidays where the consulate/embassy is closed

01/11/2024 allerheiligen
25/12/2024 kerstdag
01/01/2025 new year
13/01/2025 dag van de democratie
20/01/2025 dag van de helden
01/05/2025 labor day holiday
01/06/2025 dag van de kinderen
05/07/2025 dag van de onafhankelijkheid
15/08/2025 onze lieve vrouw hemelvaart
12/09/2025 national holiday
More information about the documents needed to apply for a visa

Instruction sheet visadesk

° Online

Residency card

Copy of your Belgian residency card (both sides) if you have another nationality than the Belgian.

If you don't have a Belgian residency card, please contact us:

Application form

° Single
° Signed original