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Visa costs

This is the cost charged by the Embassy or the Consulate. Can be different for different visa types and instances.

Transit visa

Yes, provided that:
° Central African Republic is not your final destination, but a transit country.

Documents are the same as for a tourist visa, except:
° residence data : not necessary

E-visa (online visa)


Holidays where the consulate/embassy is closed

01/11/2024 allerheiligen
01/12/2024 dag van de republiek
25/12/2024 kerstdag
01/01/2025 new year
29/03/2025 herdenkingsdag boganda
01/05/2025 labor day holiday
30/06/2025 nationale gebedsdag
13/08/2025 dag van de onafhankelijkheid
15/08/2025 onze lieve vrouw hemelvaart

Processing time at the consulate/embassy

° Minimum 1 working day

Visa upon arrival


More information about the documents needed to apply for a visa

Instruction sheet visadesk

° Online

Residency card

Copy of your Belgian residency card (both sides) if you have another nationality than the Belgian.

If you don't have a Belgian residency card, please contact us:

Proof of vaccination against yellow fever


Details of residency

° official hotel confirmation, with signature and stamp of the hotel management/or place where you are staying
° First and last name of all travelers (yourself included) have to be mentioned.

Criminal record check

- original version required
- apply at City Hall

Application form

° in twofold
° Original signed

International passport

° Original international passport
° Valid for minimum 6 months after return
° Minimum 2 blank pages

Passport picture

- 2 recent, identical color passport pictures, white background (attach with paperclip)
- size 3,5cm x 4,5cm
- no scanned or self printed pictures
- frontal picture of face and shoulders
- without tinted glasses

Flight confirmation

- Flight information (both ways)
- Name and first name of yourself and your co-travellers